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Business Sales 101



When a business engages with affiliates on LifeExec benefits, they are not only learning about our comprehensive employee benefits program but also signing up for it. Our success rate is impressive; we close 70-80% of businesses that actively participate in our presentations. This is due to the unmatched pricing, features, and value that we offer, which sets us apart from the competition. In fact, with consistent follow-up, a typical business can close and start experiencing the benefits of our program within just 2-4 weeks. The information below provides LifeExec’s proven method for successfully promoting to businesses.

Consultative Sale

To best serve business clients, take a consultative sales approach. As a business advocate, it is essential to provide relevant information and guidance that will help companies grow. The goal is to understand the unique needs and challenges of each business and demonstrate how LifeExec provide cost-efficient solutions..

Buyer Motivation

Retaining and recruiting employees is crucial for businesses in today's competitive landscape. In many industries, annual turnover rates can reach as high as 125%. Surveys also reveal that 70% of employees prioritize benefits as their number one motivator. Implementing a comprehensive employee benefits program can not only make recruitment and retention easier but also contribute to overall employee satisfaction.

However, businesses often face obstacles when it comes to offering benefits. Many do not qualify for traditional benefit programs due to their size, and part-time or contract workers are often excluded. Additionally, the cost of employee benefit programs is expensive. Some benefit companies require a minimum of 10 employee enrollments, with an average monthly cost of $600, resulting in a substantial monthly expense of $6,000.

Key Features

The LifeExec Business Program overcomes all these challenges and is specifically optimized for small to medium-sized businesses. Here's why LifeExec stands out:

  • $0 Monthly Cost: LifeExec fits into every budget, ensuring that even smaller businesses can provide essential employee benefits without incurring additional expenses.
  • Inclusive for Every Employee: Full-time, part-time, and contract workers all qualify for LifeExec benefits. This ensures fairness and equality for all employees, regardless of their employment status.
  • 100% Voluntary or Sponsorships: LifeExec allows businesses to offer benefits on a purely voluntary basis, meaning there is no obligation or financial burden for employees. Alternatively, businesses can choose to sponsor some or all of the benefits, which can be an attractive motivating factor for recruitment.
  • Simple and Turnkey: Signing up for LifeExec is quick and hassle-free. Businesses can launch their benefits program in 30 days or less by simply providing an employee directory with basic information such as names, email addresses, and mobile phone numbers. The rest of the process is taken care of by the LifeExec team.
  • Enterprise-Grade Solution: Every business enrolled in LifeExec receives a branded website, personalized enrollment campaigns, and monthly reports. This level of service is typically reserved for companies spending $10,000 or more per month, highlighting the exceptional value that LifeExec offers.

By offering a comprehensive and affordable benefits program, businesses can successfully attract and retain valuable talent, regardless of their size or budget constraints.


Customer Journey

Businesses follow a traditional customer journey for nearly every sale. Presenting online or in-person is the essential step. Discussing the program with a consultant builds trust and overcomes uncertainty in a new concept.

Step 1: Gain Interest

The main objective is to generate interest in the prospect about the product/service and establish a relationship. Provide enough information to pique interest and get the prospect on board to meet.

Best Practices:

  • While prospecting, you can use any channel such as LinkedIn, Direct Mail, Direct Sales, or GoogleAds to reach the target audience.
  • To initiate the conversation, sending a short business brochure is highly recommended. It is a great tool to highlight the services you offer without overwhelming the prospect.
  • The central message should be clear and concise. For instance, "Would you be interested in learning about an affordable employee benefits program with $0 cost and no restrictions on company size? We offer benefits to all Full-time, Part-time, and Contract workers, starting at just $1 a day." This message is likely to convince the prospect to initiate a conversation with you to learn more about the offering.

Step 2: Schedule Meeting

The main goal is to secure a presentation slot on the prospect's calendar. When sending the calendar invitation, ensure it contains a 15 or 30 minute reminder to help the prospect prepare. Additionally, provide an easily accessible virtual meeting link. Zoom or Teams are recommended applications for this purpose. The key message to convey is the presentation of an affordable benefits solution.

Best Practices:

  • A day before the scheduled meeting, send a friendly email or leave a voicemail reminder. Acknowledge that business owners are busy and emphasize the importance of the meeting. Express genuine enthusiasm about the upcoming meeting and incorporate a subtle Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) element to pique their interest.

Step 3: Presentation

The objective of the presentation is to make a successful sale. The first few minutes are crucial, as building rapport and demonstrating confidence are key. Take the opportunity to introduce yourself, inquire about their business, and understand their objectives for the meeting. The focus should be on tailoring the program to their specific needs.

Best Practices:

  • Establish rapport and build a connection in the opening minutes. Remember the importance of likability and confidence. Introduce yourself, show genuine interest in their business, and ask about their expectations for the meeting. This helps create a positive atmosphere and demonstrates your willingness to help them understand and customize the program.
  • Time your presentation to approximately 7-10 minutes. Throughout the presentation, engage the prospect with probing questions. Adjust your pitch according to the insights gained from these questions. Watch the Pitch Video provided and align your pitch accordingly. Utilize the Business Pitch Deck as a tool for presentation.
  • Show the client the Registration Page and open the Terms and Conditions to showcase how easy and risk-free it is to work with LifeExec. Highlight that the Terms are only one page long, emphasizing the simplicity of the process.
  • Strengthen your presentation by sharing one or two member success stories. Stories have the power to engage both hemispheres of the brain and create a deeper connection with the audience.
  • Create a sense of urgency by expressing that it's best to register soon to avoid missing out on benefits for their employees. Highlight the consequences of delaying enrollment.
  • Don't hesitate to ask for the sale. Statistics show that 40% of presentations result in immediate sign-ups. Therefore, confidently inquire if the prospect would like to enroll. If they don't sign up during the presentation, compare calendars and schedule a follow-up meeting to address any questions they may have and assist with the enrollment process.

Step 4: Close

Following up with prospects is crucial to assist them in completing the registration process. The goal is to provide helpful and concise communication and ensure the registration link is included. Initially, communicate every few days for the first week, then reduce frequency to one email and one phone call per week.

Best Practices:

  • Utilize a CRM system to set up reminders or automate follow-up emails. This allows you to continue prospecting and selling while the CRM maintains contact and helps close deals.
  • Keep follow-up emails and calls short, helpful, and concise. Avoid overwhelming the prospect with excessive information. Focus on guiding them through the registration process and addressing any questions or concerns they may have.
  • Be sure to include the registration link in each email communication. Make it convenient for the prospect to access and complete the registration promptly.
  • During the first week, maintain more frequent communication, reaching out every few days. This keeps the process moving forward and shows your commitment to assisting them.
  • After the initial week, shift to a less frequent follow-up schedule. Send one email and make one phone call per week to stay in touch and provide support.
  • Remember, you're not bothering your client. Effective follow-up builds trust, address any lingering doubts, and ultimately increases the likelihood of successful registration and enrollment.

Creating Focus & Buy In

Your presentation holds the key to winning the sale! LifeExec is a no brainer. The business program will sell itself. So, your presentation is less about the information you share and more about how you deliver it. Mastering the art of gaining active listening and engagement is essential for a successful outcome. The better you become at captivating your audience, the more likely you are to achieve success. Let's explore some ways to create a winning presentation.

Build Immediate Rapport

Establishing immediate rapport is crucial as people are often resistant to feeling like they are being sold something. Begin by offering a warm greeting and take a few minutes to connect on a personal level. Share a bit about yourself and your connection to LifeExec, and kindly encourage them to share a little about themselves as well. The key objective here is to create a relaxed environment where they see you as a person, rather than perceiving you as a salesperson with an agenda.

The Secret of Three Things

As you kick off your presentation, it's important to outline the meeting structure, which consists of three essential parts purposefully designed to benefit your audience. By communicating your three parts in 10-15 seconds, you not only capture their attention but also set the tone, establish expectations, and convey your genuine intention to create a positive outcome for them. This approach lays the groundwork for a seamless progression towards the closing phase right from the outset.

Example Script:

“This presentation is very simple. We’re going to do take 6-7 minute to review of our benefit programs so you understand what we do. Then, we’ll talk about your needs, explore programs, and discuss ideas on how to customize the program for you. Then, I’ll show you our agreement so you see how easy it is to do business with LifeExec. Does that sound like a good plan?”

Tell a Story!

Stories sell. It takes the product from a mere concept to a real-life experience, allowing people to visualize the significant impact of LifeExec's benefits. While benefits may seem complex and uninspiring when presented plainly, introducing a brief narrative or two when discussing specific benefits breathes life into them, making them more relatable and engaging for your audience.

Real Story 1: 

Susan's youngest child had an ear infection, but her regular pediatrician couldn't get them in for an appointment for 5 days, and providing a prescription without an appointment was prohibited. Susan used LifeExec's telemedicine service and received a prescription within minutes. She filled it using Advantage Rx, paying $0 for the visit and medication.

Real Story 2: 

Mary's vacation took a dangerous turn when she experienced a severe stomachache. Instead of relying on antacids, her husband suggested using Advantage Wellness Teledoc. Within minutes, a doctor diagnosed a blockage in her intestines and advised her to go to the emergency room. The doctor stayed on the call to ensure the ER had all the necessary information for speedy treatment. Mary made a complete recovery in less than 12 hours. Mary wrote to LifeExec about her situation. She told us that she would not have consulted a doctor if it wasn't convenient and had a cost and that would have likely claimed her life.

Ask Questions

As you conduct your presentation, it's essential to ask probing questions to engage your audience and keep their attention. Start with a few open-ended questions early on, then sprinkle them throughout the presentation, with each question ultimately leading towards a close. Here are some great questions to consider:

"How can I help you today?" - This seemingly obvious question establishes you as a consultant, encourages interaction, and provides you with the information you need to close the deal.

"Do you currently offer benefits?" - This question allows you to differentiate LifeExec and highlight its specific benefits, especially if they have had limited or expensive solutions in the past.

"How many employees do you have?" - This question helps you highlight LifeExec's advantages such as no employee restrictions for smaller companies and cost savings for larger companies.

"How quickly are you looking to introduce benefits?" - Understanding their timeline gives you an opportunity to provide customized solutions that encourage them to sign up sooner than later.

"With no monthly fee and no risk, why wouldn't you offer LifeExec?" - This rhetorical question encourages prospects to acknowledge that there is no reason not to move forward with LifeExec.

"I'm happy to walk you through the registration. Would you like to sign up today?" - Always ask for the sale! Asking this question is not rude, and you may be surprised how often people will sign up during the presentation.


Market Tools

When a business engages with affiliates on LifeExec benefits, they are not only learning about our comprehensive employee benefits program but also signing up for it. Our success rate is impressive; we close 70-80% of businesses that actively participate in our presentations. This is due to the unmatched pricing, features, and value that we offer, which sets us apart from the competition. In fact, with consistent follow-up, a typical business can close and start experiencing the benefits of our program within just 2-4 weeks. The information below provides LifeExec’s proven method for successfully promoting to businesses.




Send the brochure during the lead generation phase.




Watch the video to help you prepare your pitch.

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Business Presentation

A slideshow for business presentations.


Follow Up


Email template for presentation follow up.
